Healthy Living Initiative



Program Overview

The majority of neighborhoods in Baltimore is considered a "Food Desert"; meaning that residents, including children, are not provided the proper food options to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Access to fresh produce is essential for people to live healthy lives. The objective of our HLI program is to provide healthier food choices by distributing meal packages to students daily.

We will facilitate nutrition courses to educate our students on the importance of nutrition, and providing insight on how certain types of food consumption can affect their overall performance. Receiving proper nutrition is critical to one's learning and development process, and we aim to ensure that our students are well equipped (mentally and physically) to attain their goals.

We also host a “Third Meal Program” which solely focuses on providing healthy meal options for students outside of school timeframes (Evenings). This ensures that students are consuming consistent healthier options outside of their ordinary lunch programs. Harlem Park CDC will work closely with the educational institutions to support consistent production through innovative approaches and cultivation.



in promoting a healthy lifestyle for our communities?

Health is wealth, and we collaborate with our partners to help our residents gain access to healthier food options, and educate them on the importance of nutrition.
